
2025-02-14 15:19:34 DAM CAPACITY 46.00% 32.15M HEIGHT 355,806ML VOLUME


GAWB undertakes a wide range of projects every year as part of maintaining and developing our asset base. This work ensures the safety of the community and workers within GAWB, the water supply needs of our customers and the protection of the environment. Below is a summary of some of our projects.

Hatchery Relocation

Project Value: $11.738M Construction Dates: Jan 2016 – Feb 2022
GAWB maintains fish stocks within Lake Awoonga through the operation of a fish hatchery. This supports biodiversity and ensures we manage operational impacts to the environment. This project has already achieved practical completion with the re-location and establishment of the hatchery to the Saltwater Intake facility on the Boyne River. The first fingerlings are being targeted for March 2022.

Pikes Crossing Emergency Muster Point

Project Value: $1.667 Construction Dates: Dec 2017 – March 2022
During significant rainfall events the residents of Pikes Crossing are isolated by flood water in the Boyne River. GAWB has received advice that while the EAP satisfies GAWB’s legislative obligations, there may be additional obligations at common law to provide suitable facilities for evacuees at the Muster Point. GAWB will design and construct an Emergency Muster Point to satisfy this requirement.

Kirkwood Booster Pump Station

Project Value - $6.192 Construction Dates – October 2017 – March 2022
GAWB is delivering new infrastructure to supply Gladstone Regional Council’s (GRC) new reservoir at Kirkwood. As part of the connection, the reservoir’s high elevation requires the construction of a new pump station and booster pumps. Construction is expected to complete in March 2022.

Gladstone Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacement

Project Value: $2.320 Construction Dates: July 2019 – May 2022
The Water Treatment Plant filters remove particulates from the water as it comes in, enhancing the effectiveness of disinfection. These filters were approaching the end of life. In response this project has already replaced half of the filters resulting in greater efficiency, reduction power and higher quality of water. The project team will now replace the remaining filters and backwash systems to achieve the same outcome.

Awoonga Dam Conduit Inspection

Project Value $1.502 Construction Date: Sept 2019 – October 2021
GAWB has an obligation under the Dam Safety Regulations as per the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 to conduct inspections of its Awoonga Dam conduit infrastructure including 5 yearly comprehensive inspections. The inspection work will be conducted in two separate shutdowns taking a total of 18-20 days.

Awoonga Dam Safety Upgrades

Project value $48.4m Construction dates – mid 2023 – early 2025 TBA
Work is underway to model required upgrades to the Awoonga dam spillway to meet new guidelines and to ensure the effectiveness of the spillway during releases from the Dam. The determination of scope and the design work are underway and so there are no firm construction dates currently.

Learn more about the Awoonga Dam Conduit Inspection

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